FLICK Workshop at LUCAS – International Festival for young film lovers

Film education goes digital? Strategies and best practices in Germany and Europe

Film education goes digital? – Strategies and best practices of educational policy in Germany and Europe
place Museum für Angewandte Kunst (MAK), Schaumainkai 17, 60594 Frankfurt

9 am – 9.30 am: Registration and Coffee

9.30 am – 9.45 am: Welcome
Ellen M. Harrington (Director of Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum)
Christine Kopf (Head of Film Education, Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum)

Chair: Kerstin Herlt (EU Projects Coordinator, Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum)

9.45 am – 10.30 am: Do Current Educational Strategies Help to Understand Visual Content?
Petra Missomelius (Assistant professor at University of Innsbruck, Department of Media, Society and Communication) – Q&A

10.30 am – 11.15 am: Digital Education and Film Education in the Netherlands
Florine Wiebenga (Head of Education, EYE Filmmuseum Amsterdam)
Maartje Hillege (Teacher and Project Coordinator, EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam, tbc) – Q&A

11.15 am – 11.25 am: Coffee Break

11.25 am – 11.55 am: Educational Streaming Service Filmcentralen in Practice
Martin Brandt-Pedersen (Consultant for Film Education, Danish Film Institute, Copenhagen) – Q&A

11.55 am – 12.40 pm: The Online Platform Nanouk and its Use in Schools
Olivier Demay (Research and Development Manager at Les Enfants de cinéma, Paris)
Bérengère Delbos (Teacher and trainer at Ecole et cinéma Vienne, Poitiers) – Q&A

12.40 pm – 1.30 pm: Lunch

Digital tools part I – Chair: Christine Kopf

1.30 pm: Welcome
Julia Fleißig (Festival Director LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers)

1.35 pm – 2.15 pm: Historical-Critical Film Education and Practical Approaches in Digital Film Education
Olaf Schneider (Managing director, AMMMa AG, Bielefeld)
Detlef Endeward (formerly NLQ Hildesheim; Gesellschaft für Filmstudien Hannover) – Q&A

2.15 pm – 2.45 pm: Students from the MA Programme Film Culture: Archiving, Programming, Presentation (Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Goethe University Frankfurt)
Exploring the Interactive Education Package on F. W. Murnau
presented by Stefan Strien – Q&A

Digital tools part II – Chair: Horst Sulewski (Managing Director, GMK – Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur Bielefeld)

2.45 pm – 3.15 pm: Students from Neues Gymnasium Rüsselsheim Exploring the Interactive Course Units on 2001 – A Space Odyssey
Coordinator: Dr. Carsten Siehl (Film and Media Educator, Bad Nauheim) – Q&A

3.15 pm – 3.30 pm: Coffee Break

3.30 pm – 4 pm: Film History Rhizome – A Digital Project Presenting and Contetxtualizing the Beginnings of Film
Dr. Ines Bayer (University Cooperations, Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum) – Q&A

4 pm – 4.30 pm: Students exploring the TopShot App
Coordinator: Christian Dirksen (Teacher at IGS Herder Frankfurt) – Q&A

4.30 pm – 5.15 pm: Round Table: What can German film educators learn from European partners and their practical experiences?
Chair: Dr. Petra Missomelius
Michael Jahn (Project Manager at Vision Kino, Berlin)
Detlef Endeward
Merten Giesen (Managing Director Medienzentrum Frankfurt)
Christine Kopf
Katrin Willmann (Head of Film Division, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Berlin)


5.30 & 6 pm: Guided tour: “Kubricks 2001. 50 Years A SPACE ODYSSEY” for conference participants

Attending the conference is free of charge for professionals, but registration is required. Please register by 15 September 2018 via filmbildung@deutsches-filminstitut.de or here.

All presentations and discussions will be translated simultanously into English or German.

