Workshop 2

Structures for Film Education Outreach - Training Trainers

place CINEMATEK - Baron Horta street 9, Brussels



Registration and coffee

10:00 – 11:30

Passing on cinema : educators and learners

The ‘Do It Yourself’ training – when cultural and film educators take their training in hand

Aurélia Di Donato & Emilie Desruelles (Association « Les Doigts dans la Prise » & Cine 104)

JEF for and by children and youngsters

Marjolein Fransen (Project manager ‘More Than Film’) & Bregt Van Wijnendaele (Film distribution manager for JEF)

Reframing Literacy, or why training is not enough

Mark Reid (Head of UK Learning Programmes, British Film Institute)

11 :30 – 11 :45

Coffee break

11 :45 – 12 :45

Film educators and online ressources

Laplateforme.be : a tool for the socio-cultural sector and teachers in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation

Roch Tran (Task officer – Promotion & Cinematographic broadcast for the Film and Audiovisual Center of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation)

Image education for all : from field experiences to the web

Julien Hairault (Task officer for cultural and educationnal activities at CICLIC, regional agency of Centre-Val de Loire for book, image and digital culture)

12 :45 – 14 :00

Lunch break

14 :00 – 15 :30

Passing on cinema: didactic issues

Media education and film education : fertile convergences and specificities

Patrick Verniers (President of the MA Media Education at IHECS and of the Higher Council for Media Education of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation) & Brieuc Guffens (Assitant professor in the MA Media Education at IHECS)

Train the trainers within the context of « Cinéma 100 ans de jeunesse »

Nathalie Bourgeois (Head of « Cinema 100 ans de jeunesse »)

The courses for teachers at the OCCE (Central Office for Cooperation at School) : allowing everyone to imagine his pedagogy through cinema

Olivier Demay (Research and Development Manager at « Les enfants de cinéma »)

15 :30 – 16 :30

Round table and closing discussion



Info : +0032 (0)2 551 19 00

Free entrance

Simultaneous interpretation French / English

Registration required (by the 23rd of April at the latest) by email : workshop@cinematek.be