
A series of

Bologna, Brussels, Frankfurt, Amsterdam

FLICK (Film Literacy InCubator Klub) is a project co-financed by the Creative Europe / MEDIA programme, in the frame of the Film Education strand. FLICK is developed by Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, EYE FIlmmuseum (Amsterdam), Cinemathèque Royale de Belgique (Brussels), Deutsches Film Institut (Frankfurt), Les enfants de cinema (Paris), Association des Cinémathèque Européennes (Brussels). This group keeps the partnership alive after two years of ABCinema Project, trying to go a step forward into fostering Film Education acknowledgement as part of youngsters’ cultural heritage and horizon.

In 2018 four international workshops and one round table will constitute the focus of the project.


Seven leading European film archives and cinema institutions collaborate on a collective catalogue of film literacy activities and film titles, sharing best practices in approaches to Audience Development and Film Literacy across borders.


Seven leading European film archives and cinema institutions collaborate on a collective catalogue of film literacy activities and film titles, sharing best practices in approaches to Audience Development and Film Literacy across borders.