
First steps in film animation

Available language: en


Age: 6-11 11-14
Sessions: 1
Session's duration: 2h


Not very well-known among the young audience, Belgian animation has always been very creative. With innovative and often very inspired movies, Belgian animation films are shown in many festivals all over the world. The first objective of this First steps in film animation workshop is to tell the story and to discover the hidden treasures of Belgian animation. In a second phase, the young participants learn and expérience some "basic tricks" of film animation, transforming for example their own bodies in real animated objects ! During the workshop, clips as well as animated short films are sreened.


The Framework sets out a series of outcomes to which any film literacy programme or project, be it in the formal education or informal education sector, could realistically aspire. It is not expected that any one project could deliver all of the outcomes in the Framework, but rather it is hoped that by placing the critical, creative and cultural dimensions alongside each other that it will be possible for project developers to explore issues and outcomes beyond their own current practice.

View Framework
Film Education Framework for Europe
To inspire and equip perople across Europe to be able to access, enjoy, understand, create, explore, and share film in all its forms throughout their lives
Film Sensibility
Key Dimensioms of Film Education
Creative Processes | Practices | Participation
Critical Processes | Practices | Participation
Cultural Processes | Practices | Participation
Areas of Learning
Specificities of Film
Social, personal and collaborative processes
Critical personal response
Wider film engagment
Historic and Institutional context
Reflective learning
Learning Outcomes
Critical thinkers
Adventurous Creators
Expressive individuals
Sensitive contributors
Reflective practitioners
Active collaboration
Confident Explorers
Informed participants
Discerning audiences
Enthusiastic advocates
Independent learners
Engaged citizens
Engage with film in all its form
Experience film in the cinema
Discover film from the past
Experience the art of film
Experience creative opportunities in film making
Reflect on national and world cultures
Identify, question and reflect on ideas and values
Disposition for Lifelong Learning
Connecting to Life and Work
Personal Development
Civic Responsibility